Go West, Young Man

I seem to have outgrown rural Upstate New York.  An ideal setting for my childhood, and a wonderful place to come of age even, it’s high time I relocate to a region younger, more liberal, environmentally sensitive, rugged, and worldly.  I’m headed to San Francisco.

I’ve spent the entirety of my life living in places near to Buffalo and Rochester, apart from a brief tenure in Vancouver, BC last year– a setting in which I very much would have liked to have remained, but alas, could not– the move out of country proving too much a logistical quagmire for my ill-prepared attempt at relocation, driven by heart more than sense.  Since the moment I returned from Vancouver last November, I’ve been sick for the West Coast.

And now I’ve plotted my return.  This September I will join my younger sister in San Francisco, a city I’ve never set foot in.  The prospect of exploring a new city, and one which I desire to discover as much as I do San Francisco, will almost be too much to bear over the coming months as I wait to depart!  It’s time best spent on the job search I suppose.

It fills me with such excitement to be moving again!  When I mentioned my plan–remember, my second extreme relocation in half as many years–to a good friend of mine the other day, he smiled wryly and wished me well; he made some smart comment to remind me that I would indeed have Portland and Seattle to fall back on in the event of another failed attempt at migration.

No need for contingency plans this time; with every part of my being in favor of this move, there’s hardly a chance it won’t work out for the best!

I snapped the above photograph last month on a trip back to Vancouver to visit a dear friend of mine.  It speaks to me.  Not only do I find the setting gorgeous in itself, but I love the thought of that ship sailing from somewhere foreign and interesting, just as it’s heading on towards somewhere foreign and interesting.  Here I go myself…

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